Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Our dedicated group of Nebraska StoryArts volunteer board members, contracted tellers and workers fulfill our mission by organizing and implementing an array of storytelling events with a limited budget.
Our signature events include the Moonshell Storytelling Festival; a summer camp for boys & girls ages 9 to 18, and a workshop for adults; Spooky Stories for adults.
We conduct events and outreach programs for schools, libraries, and community agencies.
Our dedicated group of Nebraska StoryArts volunteer board members, contracted tellers and workers fulfill our mission by organizing and implementing an array of storytelling events with a limited budget.
Our signature events include the Moonshell Storytelling Festival; a summer camp for boys & girls ages 9 to 18, and a workshop for adults; Spooky Stories for adults.
We conduct events and outreach programs for schools, libraries, and community agencies.
Our mission is to preserve, perpetuate, and celebrate storytelling of all cultures and to nurture, sustain, and develop the storytelling community of tellers and listeners.
We're a lively bunch. If you'd like to help us out, become a member or volunteer, or sponsor an event! Be part of the story.
Nebraska StoryArts
Join us for Live Storytelling
Come to the beautiful Mahoney State Park for our September Moonshell Festival. This event features national storytellers, including this year's great lineup. See our Events page for more details about live storytelling events in the Omaha area.
Learn What our Audiences Say
Our audiences love the wide range of styles of the storytellers who come to visit Omaha. From visiting local schools to putting on workshops and entertaining audiences, these professionals leave listeners with memorable experiences.
Learn More about the Art of Storytelling
Read more about the art of storytelling and our tellers past and present. View our gallery for information about how you can participate. We depend on generous donations and volunteers. Join us and enjoy the magic of stories.